first time buyer mortgage

Making your money work

It can be challenging to handle investments on your own, but our advisers will provide you with the advice and confidence you need. No matter what your investment goals are, we provide a range of services to meet your needs and approach to investing.

So, if you need help investing to make your money work for you, they’ll help you make better sense of it all – so you can enjoy life. We offer you a no-obligation initial consultation. Booking a time and date that’s convenient for you takes just 30 seconds.

Why choose us

  • Rated as excellent 4.98/5 on
  • 100% of reviewers recommend GHL Direct.

Three simple steps to investing

Schedule your call

You can schedule a no obligation meeting with a professional investment adviser in less than 30 seconds

We'll call you back

You will learn how to maximize the value of your well-earned money by implementing a good investment plan

And guide you through

We will guide you every step of the way with a friendly, knowledgeable investment adviser.


How we help you invest

Once we understand your goals, we will design an investment plan and suggest a portfolio suitable for your entire wealth plan.

In addition to keeping you informed about the performance of your assets, regular communication is essential to making sure that your investments reflect any changes in your situation. Please let us know if your financial situation, risk tolerance or income preferences change so we can adjust our strategy and investments accordingly.

– Your initial consultation is risk free and at our expense
– Financial advice at a time and place suitable for you
– Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)-authorized investment advisers

It's important to establish a plan for investing that reflects your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the amount you are willing to risk. Establishing your attitude to risk is essential. You are uniquely able to determine how you feel about putting money at risk and how you can accommodate any loss in value.

A potential investment can seem too risky to one individual and exciting to another. How you view risk will also depend on whether you are investing for the short, medium, or long term.

In order to achieve your objectives, you may be willing to accept more risk in exchange for higher potential returns, but the closer you get to your goal, the less risk you will want to take, so you’ll need to adjust your investment approach accordingly.

equity release
of reviewers recommend GHL Direct

Achieving your financial goals

With GHL Direct, you can be assured of dealing with experienced professionals who are committed to providing you with first-class service. Regardless of your age or stage of life, planning for the future is essential.
  • Who are GHL Direct

    We are part of The Openwork Partnership

    The Openwork Partnership is one of UK’s largest and longest established financial advice and investment companies. Through many changes and challenges we have been a constant presence for over 45 years. We have served over two generations of clients and together seen a lot of change. Every firm is individual and distinct, yet we share values and standards with each other – for the benefit of our clients

  • What we do

    Investing and financial planning are at the core of our service. Identifying your goals and objectives allows us to tailor a strategy that suits you. We focus on aligning your financial goals with your life aspirations through a series of stages in our financial planning process.

    Our detailed review of your current position and arrangements will result in specific recommendations and an explanation of the risks and benefits of our recommendations. Our team will help you complete the appropriate paperwork and put your financial plan in place if you are satisfied. Your financial plan should evolve with your life as your aspirations change, and we will be on hand to review it regularly.

  • Supporting our clients

    We understand that from time to time our clients may find themselves dealing with circumstances which could mean they are potentially vulnerable. For example, coping with a medical change or caring for a family member. There are many types of vulnerability, and one person’s vulnerability might not affect another’s. Our need for financial advice changes when we are vulnerable. However, admitting vulnerability or seeking help can be challenging.

    Ask your adviser for a copy of our support guide if you would like to discuss this. The purpose of this guide is to explain vulnerabilities and how we can cope with them and support you. If you feel any of the circumstances in the brochure apply to you, please talk to us.

  • Investing steps 1 - 3

    Step 1 – Your goals
    We establish your life goals, personal circumstances, aspirations and concerns.

    Step 2 – Your information
    We collect all relevant personal and financial data and establish your perceived risks.

    Step 3 – Analysis
    We assess your current position and how you have arrived there, with the intention of making a recommendation on the type of products that will best suit your needs.

  • Investing steps 4 - 6

    Step 4 – Design your strategy
    Having completed the preparatory work, we will prepare a personal report and recommendations, then set out different strategies which can be used to get you where you want to be.

    Step 5 – Implementation
    We agree on the plan to implement the strategy to help you achieve your objectives over a given period of time.

    Step 6 – Regular reviews
    If you choose, we’ll meet on an ongoing basis to assess your strategy and implement the next steps in your plan.

  • Investment advice fees

    We will introduce ourselves and provide information about our business, how we would like to work with you, the intermediary services we can provide and the costs of those services. A key part of the financial advice process is deciding what services you would like and to agree how you would like to pay for them.

    At this stage of the process, we will agree with you your priorities and the appropriate fees prior to commencing any work. We cannot charge you a fee for work completed without your prior agreement.

    Please ensure you are clear about the services you want and how you will pay for them before we proceed with any work that may incur a charge. We will not exceed a specified budget limit without first consulting with you and receiving your written commitment to proceed further.

    For a full breakdown on any fees charged please download our free guide on this page.

Check out our free investment guides for an overview of our services.
Investment PrinciplesProposition Brochure

Here to help you invest

Book your investment consultation today to see how we can help you
Speak to an expert

Rated as excellent

We make investment decisions based on past experience and a robust governance process. Please download and review our proposition summary for details of the providers we offer investment, pension and insurance products from.